Tattoo Removal by Wight Laser Clinic

Isle of Wight Tattoo Removal

If you're on the Isle of Wight and you’re thinking about tattoo removal then you're in the right place. We offer top of the range laser equipment and laser technicians with over 10 years of experience in tattoo removal services. We are here to make the process as easy as possible.

“Prices from just £30 with discounts for bulk bookings”

Our prices start from just £30 for a single treatment with discounts for bulk purchases in advance. We offer laser tattoo removal, booked by appointment, in St Thomas Square, Newport, Isle of Wight.

Our aim is to provide a premium tattoo removal service to you at a price that doesn't break the bank.

Contact us to book a consultation

How does tattoo removal work?
How does tattoo removal work

Contact us today to book a consultation and test patch appointment.

Warning this video contains flashing lights which may affect some photosensitive viewers.