Fat Freezing Cryolipolysis by Wight Laser Clinic

Isle of Wight Fat Freezing

What is fat freezing?

  1. Fat Freezing is otherwise known as Cryolipolysis and it is the procedure whereby fat cells are super cooled to -9ºC using our state of the art technology.
  2. This cooling. Cooling energy treats the fat cells without any damage to surrounding tissue.
  3. The fat cells cannot survive at this temperature, therefore they crystallize and die off over a period of approximately 12 weeks naturally.
  4. This results in 20 to 30% permanent fat cell death in the treated area.

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Is fat freezing right for you?

Fat freezing is most effective in people with stubborn pockets of fatty tissue that have been resistant to exercise and diet for removal. If you have large amounts of fat to remove, you will not notice the treatment being as effective until you're closer to your ideal body weight. While it will aid in your weight loss journey, if you do not have an effective diet and exercise plan you're just throwing money away. 

Areas that can be treated with fat freezing are:
Double Chin, Arms, Love Handles, Abdomen, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Banana Rolls, Knees, Back Bra Strap